A few changes are taking place in my world in 2017.
The main one being, I have returned to being at home.
Here are the stats: I'm 41. My 20 year wedding anniversary is approaching and my children are 18 and 17. Here's the reality. Time isn't going backwards. It's moving and it's moving FAST!
And I felt it was time to take a pause, stop the clock, reflect, take some personal dreams off of a shelf and blow the dust off. Some may call this a mid-life crisis. I'm calling it half-time.
Charles and I have talked about this for a LONG time. And we felt this was the time. I am leaving an organization I have worked for in very good hands - with a wonderful group of people and partnerships to carry it forward.
And while I could have continued on in my role, I know that the organization is currently poised for growth and development in areas that require a new set of strengths. In the nonprofit sector, I believe it is crucial for leaders to know themselves, their capabilities and the needs of the organization.
I also know that for every yes one says, that is a no to something else.
So I am saying yes to a new adventure. For the next few months this will include a little more painting and a few additional hidden projects. (more about them in the future!)
But for today, I'll simply leave you with this little halftime performance and Ohrworm of a song.