What Colour's a Blackbird? / by Uschi Jeffcoat

“Drawing makes you look at the world more closely. It helps you to see what you're looking at more clearly. Did you know that?"  

I said nothing. 

"What colour's a blackbird?" she said.



― David Almond, Skellig

This painting process is of a young European Blackbird.

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I've learned that sometimes the pale unseen tender layers beneath the surface are the most beautiful ones. 

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My 41 year old eyes needed to do the hard work to see. See what is truly there, not what my mind wanted to tell me was there. And let me say, this bird is so much much more than simply "black". 


Later today I will take on painting the background on this 22" x 30" full watercolor sheet. It's daunting at the moment but I know doing the work IS good.

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So wherever your eyes are being challenged to see more clearly today, please do the work. It is good.